This process begins with a thorough understanding of a sites history and background, typically as part of the performance of an ASTM Phase I Environment Site Assessment (or Preliminary Assessment). SSi balances that information in concert with our clients’ objectives and stakeholders interests to plan and execute an effective site characterization. SSi develops a preliminary working site conceptual model, integrating known site information with our own in-depth knowledge of site infrastructure and industrial processes to design an investigation. We then utilize an appropriate balance of innovative and conventional strategies and technologies to implement the investigation resulting in a project that is simple, efficient, practical and effective. Site investigation results are thoroughly evaluated and a remedial design and implementation plan is developed. SSi has significant experience in performing the following activities which may be included in this process:
- Due Diligence: PI/PII Environmental Site Assessments
- Geophysical Investigations
- Soil and Groundwater Investigations
- Traditional soil borings, wells and sampling and/or in-situ investigations (MIPs, TarGOST, etc)
- Soil Gas/Vapor Intrusion Investigations
- Surface Water and Sediment Investigations
- Groundwater Modeling
- Human Health Risk Assessment
- Ecological Risk Assessment
- NAPLInvestigations
- Treatability/Pilot Studies
- Remedial Alternatives Analyses or Feasibility Studies
- Permitting